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Selected Papers & Reports

In the Classroom

Research base

Peer-reviewed journals


  1. Hillman V., Manolev J., Johnston S., Kumar P.C., Martin F., Zeide E., Vladova G., Lai R. (2025). Children, Education, and Technologies: Current Debates, Key Concerns, Future Directions Around Data Privacy, Surveillance and Datafication. In: Christakis DA, Hale L, eds. Children and Screens: A Handbook on Digital Media and the Development, Health, and Well-being of Children and Adolescents. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

  2. Hillman, V., Barud, K., Zdravevski, Henne, T., Saillant, C., E., Radkoff, Johnson, E., & Anwana, T. (2024) In the Fine Print: Investigating EdTech Providers’ Terms of Services and Data Privacy Policies. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2024), Seville, Spain. Conference Proceedings. 

  3. Hillman, V., & Esquivel, M. (2024). Cradle-to-Career Data Pipelines Development for Market-Oriented Curriculum Designs: Balancing Labor Market Demands with What is Pedagogically Desirable. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2024), Seville, Spain. Conference Proceedings.

  4. Hillman, V., Hwang, Y., Walker, S., Wilson, P. (2024) AIED and EdTech Procurement: Challenges for
    Policy and Governance, Social Policy Working Paper 04-24, London: LSE Department of Social Policy.

  5. Hillman, V. (2022). The state of cybersecurity in the edtech sector: in search of a standard? Media and Communications Working Paper, London: LSE.

  6. Hillman, V. (2022). Edtech procurement matters: it needs a coherent solution, clear governance and market standards, Social Policy Working Paper 02-22, London: LSE Department of Social Policy.

  7. Hillman, V., & Bryant, J. (2022) Families’ perceptions of corporate influence in career and technical education through data extraction, Learning, Media and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2022.2059765 

  8. Hillman, V. (2022). Bringing in the technological, ethical, educational and social-structural for a new education data governance, Learning, Media and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2022.2052313.

  9. Hillman V. (2022). Data privacy literacy as a subversive instrument to datafication. International Journal of Communication, 16 (2022), 767-788

  10. Hillman, V., Pedro Martins, J., & Ogu, E. (2021). Edtech in a time of pandemics should include youth’s voices. Post-Digital Science and Education.

  11. Hillman, V. (2020). Fostering children’s creativity through the use of digital technologies in the primary classroom. Proceedings from the 2019. Connected Learning Summit. Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon ETC Press. doi: 10.1184/R1/7793804

  12. Hillman, V., & Ganesh, V. (2020). Kratos: a solution for data privacy, literacy, and student agency in a data driven school ecosystem. International Journal of Innovation in Education, 6(3-4). 

  13. Hillman, V. (2020). Creative explorations for self-directed learning. Education Research Monograph Series. Malta: Malta University Publishing.

  14. Hillman V., & Ganesh, V. (2019). Kratos: a secure, authenticated and publicly verifiable platform for educational data using the blockchain. Proceedings from the 6th International Workshop on Data Privacy and Security IEEE, Los Angeles, CA. 

Other publications


  1. László, M., Narr, G., Hillman, V., Couldry, N., and Newman, R. (2022). 4 Ways the New EU Digital Acts Fall Short and How to Remedy It. BKC/Medium.

  2. Hillman, V. (2022). How cybersecure are EdTech products in the classroom? Digital Futures Commission.

  3. Hillman, V. (2022). The promise and perils of education data. Digital Futures Commission, 5Rights Foundation.

  4. Hillman, V., & Bryant, J. (2022). How Big Businesses Are Colonizing the Classroom. The Progressive.

  5. Hillman, V. (2021). Algorithmic (in)justice in education. The LSE Impact Series blog.

  6. Hillman, V., Wagner, B., & Noula, I. (2021). Big tech firms can’t be trusted to decide children’s futures. Jacobin

  7. Hillman, V., Wagner, B., & Noula, I. (2021). New European laws must protect children’s data. Euractiv

  8. Hillman, V., and Couldry, N. (2020). Big Tech in education: Educators and learners need to be heard. Jacobin

  9. Hillman, V., Couldry, N., Bietti, E., and Greene, G. (2020). Response to the European Commission’s White Paper on Artificial Intelligence, COM 2020-66, COM 2020-67.​

  10. Couldry, N., Mhlambi, S., Seo, H., Quihano, P. R., Hillman, V., Bermudez, A., Ortiz, J., and De Filippi, P. (2019). Emerging issues in the Global South and how to reimagine the Internet. Cambridge, MA: Berkman Klein Centre for Internet & Society

  11. Hillman, V. (2020). Are schools the safe space to err and explore? LSE Parenting 4 Digital Future blog.

  12. Greene, G., Pentland, A., Parra, J., Crockford, K., Nagy, A., Fjeld, J., Halen, J., Sampath, P., Beaumon, B., Silva, V., Saquib, N., Retzepi, K., Balsa, J., Ramsey, D., Hillman, V., and Garcia-Montes, M. (2019).  Government briefing book: Emerging technology and human rights. Cambridge, MA:Greene Strategy and Analytics.

Conferences, presentations and workshops


  1. Delivering keynote speech at the 4th European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics [forthcoming] 1 - 2 December 2022,  A Virtual Conference supported by EM Normandie Business School, Oxford Campus, UK.

  2. Leading a team of international researchers, activists and academics to deliver Workshop #258: "Governing AI & Education Technologies Transforming Education" during the 17th United Nations Internet Governance Forum [forthcoming], 28 November to 2 December 2022.

  3. Hillman, V. (May, 2022). What is driving the edtech growth in education (whom do these products benefit and how)? EdTech and Virtual Learning retreat organised by Institute of Media and Child Development

  4. Hillman, V. (forthcoming). Algorithmic (in)justice in education. European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness (AWAF '22). Digital Society Initiative. Zurich, Switzerland: University of Zurich. 

  5. Hillman, V. (June 2022). Education and Skills directorate leads a discussion on “Building a child-centred digital environment”. Paris, France: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.

  6. EDDS @ International Working Group on Cybersecurity Standard Development, recurring event.

  7. Hillman, V., Noula, I., Livingstone, S., Sproat, E., Elyounes, D., & Smith, S. (December 2021). Is it safe? Digitalizing education: Ethical and responsible leadership in education at the digital turn. WISE Summit, Qatar.

  8. Hillman, V., Couldry, N., Livingstone, S., Kaili, E., & Noula, I. (June 2021). Education technologies and the colonization of our digital future: The role of EU’s Digital Services Act in regulating Ed-Tech and putting humanity in charge. London School of Economics & Political Science, London, UK.

  9. Hillman, V., Couldry, N., Green, G., Elyounes, D., Colero, B., Ganesh, V. (2020). United Nations Internet Governance Forum: Children’s rights and role in the governance of educational data, Katowice, Poland.

  10. Hillman V., and Ganesh, V. (2020). Kratos: a secure, authenticated and publicly verifiable platform for educational data using the blockchain. 6th International Workshop on Data Privacy and Security IEEE. Los Angeles, CA.

  11. Hillman, V. (October 2019). Fostering children’s creativity through the use of digital technologies in the primary classroom. 2019 Connected Learning Summit. University of California, Irvine. 

  12. Hillman, V. (June 2019). Data privacy, literacy and agency for students in a data-driven educational system. Connected Life Conference. Oxford Internet Institute, the Alan Turing Institute, and London School of Economics and Political Science, UK.

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